On Holiday Cigar Box Collage
  • On Holiday Cigar Box Collage
On Holiday Cigar Box Collage

is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again.

Vibrant colors are one of the hallmarks of all of Patrick LoCicero's intriguing collages.  This one is on a cigar box, making it highly versatile to be used in many different places throughout the home.  What story does it tell?  Like all excellent pieces of art it's up to the viewer to help answer that question.  It's no wonder that Patrick's artwork is found in galleries and is part of numerous private collections.  Here's a chance to own your own piece, one that is sure to intrigue for years to come. This is also even more special with collage work on inside of box as well as outside.

Dimensions: 8" X 6"

Shipped by Patrick LoCicero.